Discipline: a fundamental principle in human formation
Listening to the word discipline being pronounced, it is likely to perceive it as a negative connotation in our minds.
The Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler proposed the term “positive discipline”, which years later Adlerian psychologists created an educational methodology for parents and teachers, giving rise to a training modality based on positive reinforcement. Thus, the teaching of what is known as “positive discipline” was born.
What is the purpose of thinking about the style of discipline to be used in the integral formation of children and adolescents?
Today more than ever, it is essential to provide solid formative foundations that allow children to grow securely, with emotional intelligence and with clarity of the expectations that exist for them. Discipline based on love and respect will give them the necessary tools to consolidate a healthy concept of themselves and will allow them to set limits to the possible challenges they may encounter in social coexistence.
Subsequently, if discipline is fundamental in human formation, how is it achieved and what are the recommendations?
When thinking about “discipline” we must think of strategies that provide the adult with guidance on healthy parenting. First, remember that actions must be adjusted to the age of the child, since cognitive development is not the same at all ages. Secondly, whatever strategy is used, it must be adapted to the reality of the family. Thirdly, there must be consistency among adults when setting limits. If there is no consistency in the family, the children will be the ones who, as a warning signal, will denounce the malfunctioning of their living environment with their behavior.
At SEK International School Guayaquil we offer guidelines akin important issues such as positive discipline to childbearing and childrearing families. The importance of cooperative work between parents and school will achieve a healthy environment with codes of behavior appropriate to the age and development of our students.
Azucena Dillon
Head of Studies
SEK International School Guayaquil