The United Nations Model fosters in students techniques of persuasion, negotiation, writing, and oratory in an environment of tolerance and respect. Students must be trained in various topics, referring to culture, economics, and politics to debate and resolve issues that are treated for real in the different UN Committees.
The SEKNU 17th Edition model was held from January 23rd to January 26th at the facilities of the SEK International University in Ecuador, on the Miguel de Cervantes Campus.
In addition to the students of SEK International School Ecuador, students from 15 schools in Quito and Guayaquil participated. SENKU 17th Edition was made up of eight committees: Security Council, General Assembly 1, General Assembly 2, General Assembly 3, World Health Organization, American States Organization, International Court of Justice, and Human Rights.
Several topics were addressed, from different contexts, related to: “The human impact in an international environment”. It should be noted that the model had a wide and high level of debate. Undoubtedly, the main objective of SEKNU 17th Edition was fulfilled.
The students of SEK International School Ecuador have once again filled the school with pride and satisfaction for the great work they have done.
Lizbet Basabe
Coordinator of the Model of UN SEKNU XVII
SEK International School Ecuador